I haven't been feeling myself in a while, I think the weather and all that comes with me losing Summer; the ease of walking outside in the warmth without layers has finally made it's doomsday arrival. That is the sunshine and rainbows me, the me who thinks lovely little happy thoughts all the time.
This new me, the me that wants to scream at the top of my lungs and be angry knows it goes deeper into my self-worth. I have found I just really don't like me right now. To be quite honest, I am very disappointed in me and how I've turned out these past 10 years. Nothing is as I had planned it. The further I can keep myself from others the better they are but the worse off I feel.
This weekend I had a great opportunity to lounge and enjoy a bit of me time for 8 hours alone! I had plans but ended up cancelling them due to bad weather and an overall permanent gray cloud hanging around me for the past week.
After a failed attempt to just enjoy a relaxing day, I did some serious internal reflection . For the first time since it happened, I realized I am still hurt. After over 16 years I am still hurt by my best friend who just left me as a friend one day. To this day I have NO closure from it's happening; when I did see her about 4 years later mid-way through college she looked at me with such hate and detest I left with an apology to the mutual friend. So, it does explain to me the path I had taken over the course of my friendship years. I fail to keep anyone close to me, I drop and pick up friends easily, but no one really seems to know the true me. I thought I was a trustful person but I am not. To this very moment, I do not trust the people I currently associate with. All along, I assumed it was them but after this weekend, I know now it is me.
This brings me back to being mean. In bailing this weekend I was not a great friend, but she understood. Tonight though, I was awful. I was mean to my little one, and she took it. Just stood there and took it. And i'm not talking being mean just once, I was mean on and off for about an hour. WHY?????? HOW??? How can i call myself a good parent after that? I did NOT MEAN IT.

It all came out mean and wrong each time I said something! I apologized after climbing in bed and snuggling up for a good read and some old fashioned mommy love, but the damage is done and other than I'm sorry, there is nothing more I can do. Oh how I loathe myself right now. If only I could take it back, instead I write it, to get out the poison that I threw at her with hurtful words and looks.
I feel like a live wire waiting to snap and explode. I run but it's not enough. I'm not the happy person I used to be. I have lost something along the way and I don't know where I left it.